
Prime minister of Jamaica visited Children’s Hospital in Western Jamaica

China’s aid project contracted by Jiangsu Nantong No. 2 Construction Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd.

By Huang Hai

On 1 April, Andrew Holness, prime minister of Jamaica, Tufton, Minister of health and congressman of Jamaica, and mayor of Montego Bay and their party visited Children’s Hospital in Western Jamaica, an aid project contracted by Jiangsu Nantong No. 2 Construction Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd., inspected the construction progress of the project.

Children’s Hospital in Western Jamaica aided by Chinese government, is located in the west part of Jamaica. It is the largest youth and children’s integrated hospital with most advanced level in Caribbean Region. The total gross area of the project is 16427㎡, including 14025㎡ children’s hospital operation building, 2402㎡ employees’ apartment. There are 220 beds. The target is children ages between 0 to 18 years old and youth and teenagers. After the project is completed, it will become another landmark building of Jamaica and China’s friendship, and will improve the medical infrastructure level in Jamaica and even Caribbean region to a large extent.

After Holness visited the site to inspect the quality, safety, progress of the project and the living condition of Chinese workers, he expressed gratitude for the great contributions made to medical and health field of Jamaica by Chinese government and people, and said that China was a trustworthy friend and partner of Jamaica. He gave well-deserved recognition for achievements obtained in aspects including progress, quality control and safety insurance of the project of Nantong No. 2 Construction Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd..

In the present, there are 47 Chinese workers, 56 local workers, 20 workers from other countries on the construction site. The project is planned to be in operation by May 2024.

2023-04-14 China’s aid project contracted by Jiangsu Nantong No. 2 Construction Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd. 1 1 南通日报 content_132102.html 1 3 Prime minister of Jamaica visited Children’s Hospital in Western Jamaica /enpproperty-->