
Yangkou Port LNG terminal has been operated safely for 12 years

Exported 72.1 billion cubic meters of natural gas

By Wu Xiaoyun

Since China National Petroleum Corporation Jiangsu LNG receiving terminal started operation officially on 24 May 2011, it has been operated safely for 12 years. Up to now, in total 614 LNG ships from 25 countries and areas have berthed at Yangkou Port LNG terminal safely. In total 72.1 billion cubic meters of natural gas has been exported.

The terminal is the earliest LNG receiving terminal which has been put into operation in Jiangsu. It is also the largest LNG receiving and unloading base in Jiangsu. According to estimations, 72.1 billion cubic meters of natural gas can generate environmental benefits which are equivalent to planting close to 400 million trees. It can reduce about 180 million tons of carbon dioxide emission and about 1.5 million tons of sulphur dioxide emission.

2023-06-05 Yangkou Port LNG terminal has been operated safely for 12 years 1 1 南通日报 content_138316.html 1 3 Exported 72.1 billion cubic meters of natural gas /enpproperty-->