第A05版:Nantong Daily

‘Summer night by Hao river’ performance restarted

By Shen Liang

At 7:30 pm of 25 July, 2023 ‘Summer night by Hao river’ theatrical performance was held at Huanxi Cultural Square in Chongchuan district. It was the first performance of ‘Summer night by Hao river’ after it was suspended due to the pandemic.

According to the plan, the ‘Summer night by Hao river’ performance this year will be from 28 July to 25 August. 8 more performances will be performed at Huanxi Cultural Square on every Friday and Saturday. If there is bad weather, performance will be postponed.

The total import and export to Africa of Nantong in the first half of the year was close to 4 billion yuan

By Wu Xiaoyun

A few days ago, in the foreign trade warehouse of Nantong Egens Biotechnology Co., Ltd., trucks were busy loading cargo. A batch of antibody detection kits of 80 thousand people were being packaged. They would be sent to Ethiopia which was thousands of miles away.

‘In the present, orders from African market has accounted for 32% of the foreign trade orders of our company. It has become the most important export market for us.’ Yu Dan, manager of the company said.

Promoted by bonuses including ‘the Belt and Road’ built by China and Africa together, Africa is becoming a new emerging market of foreign trade of Nantong. In the first half of the year, the total import and export to Africa of Nantong is close to 4 billion yuan.

2023-08-07 1 1 南通日报 content_144977.html 1 3 ‘Summer night by Hao river’ performance restarted /enpproperty-->