
Xiao Jinfeng, a teacher from Jiangsu Shipping College, participated in the whole process

‘Xue Long 2’ rescued a ship in distress

On 11th November, the expedition team transferred the ship which called for help onto ‘Xue Long 2’. Photo from Xinhua News Agency

By Gao Yang

CTV reported on 13th November that ‘Xue Long 2’, which was carrying out the 40th South Pole expedition task of China, rescued a ship and its 4 crew members who called for help successfully in the sea area near Papua New Guinea on the evening of 11th November Beijing Time. In the 33-hour-long urgent rescue, Xiao Jinfeng, the mobile driver of ‘Xue Long 2’ and teacher of Jiangsu Shipping College, participated in the whole process.

At about 10:55 on 10th November Beijing time, ‘Xue Long 2’ travelled to the sea area near Papua New Guinea. The bridge duty office found that people were waving clothes to call for help on a small boat. ‘Xue Long 2’ took measures to slow down and prepared to stop at once. After the conditions of the ship which called for help were confirmed further, ‘Xue Long 2’ made preparations for urgent rescue of injured people, and approached slowly. After communication, they got to know that the 4 people who called for help were fishermen from Papua New Guinea. They planned to go to their residence place in Kavieng from Emirau Island, but oil and storage batteries were used up on the way. They had been floating on the sea for 9 hours. The crew of ‘Xue Long 2’ sent water and food to the ship in distress at once, provided diesel, and charged their storage batteries fully.

‘The local equatorial countercurrent is relatively rapid. If they did not meet ‘Xue Long 2’, their lives would be in real danger.’ Xiao Jinfeng said that as he was good in English, he was responsible for contact at the bridge. By emails, satellite phones and VHF-Radiotelephones (VHF), contact with Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centers (MRCC) of countries along the coast and local rescue teams was maintained.

‘Xue Long 2’ stopped by the ship which called for help successfully, and provided help as much as possible. However, an accident happened. The ship in distress was not able to start the engine. An engine failure was suspected. After discussion, the expedition team reported to local maritime rescue department, and suggested some rescue ships to be arranged.

Xiao Jinfeng told the reporter that the rescue ship sent by the local party was not able to arrive, then the expedition team finally decided to transfer the ship and the people in distress onto ‘Xue Long 2’, and transport them home.

At 23:00 on 11th November local time, the expedition team sent the ship and people in distress to sea areas near Kavieng of Papua New Guinea, and handed over to local relevant organizations. So far, the 33-hour-long rescue was completed successfully.

The 40th South Pole Science Expedition Team of China set off from Shanghai officially on 1st November, and planned to return in April 2024. The trip will last more than 5 months. As the mobile driver of ‘Xue Long 2’ polar scientific expedition icebreaker, Xiao Jinfeng, together with the other drivers, worked in shifts on the bridge for the safe trip, dodge and other tasks of ‘Xue Long 2’.

2023-11-27 Xiao Jinfeng, a teacher from Jiangsu Shipping College, participated in the whole process 1 1 南通日报 content_156104.html 1 3 ‘Xue Long 2’ rescued a ship in distress /enpproperty-->