
To make it convenient for foreigners’ health care diagnosis and treatment

Nantong doctor communicated in English in the whole process

By Tang Lei

Recently, Xia Zhiyin, a general practitioner at International Medical Comprehensive Outpatient Department of Nantong Rich Hospital received a Danish patient, Nielsen. The patient came here out of admiration, due to the elevated various indices of blood pressure and blood lipids in his medical check-up report. The attending doctor communicated with the foreigner in English fluently, and prescribed targeted therapeutic medication for him.

Nielsen is an enterprise manager at Nantong Economic&Technological Development Area. He is 54 years old. He has primary obesity, along with high blood lipids, high uric acid, and metabolic syndrome, etc. The BMI is over 28. And he has got gout before. Xia Zhiyin made a detailed treatment plan for him. For obesity, he suggested him to reduce calorie intake, control the diet and eat a healthy diet; for blood pressure and lipids reduction, he applied prescribed medicine treatment.

2024-02-05 To make it convenient for foreigners’ health care diagnosis and treatment 1 1 南通日报 content_163373.html 1 3 Nantong doctor communicated in English in the whole process /enpproperty-->