
‘Charming Haimen’ China-France Cultural Exchange Activity held

By Huang Tianling

Recently, ‘Charming Haimen’ China-France Cultural Exchange Activity was started at Changle Town, Haimen District.

More than 20 foreign friends from multiple countries including France, Italy and Morocco who are working, studying or living in places such as Shanghai and Nantong, and internet celebrities from places including Baoshan of Shanghai, Taicang, Chongming and Qidong, went to Haimen together, to experience the unique Jianghai culture of Haimen on the spot.

In the past few years, Haimen has had closer exchanges and cooperation with France in fields including culture and economy. In 2021, the project of ICCF, which is one of the founders of French high-end ready-to-wear, was signed and settled. In 2022, China Merchants Industry Haimen Base and GTT of France signed a patent cooperation agreement, and became another shipyard with the qualification to build large LNG ships in China.

Up to now, Haimen has realized economic and trade exchanges with more than 110 countries and areas. More than 700 foreign invested companies have settled down in Haimen. Every year, more than 3000 foreign friends come to Haimen to travel, work and live.

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