
Striking blue calico creative products at China International Import Expo

At the booth of Cao Yu Xing, more than 20 products of blue calico theme were presented one by one

By Zhu Beining and Liu Lu

‘The silk scarf feels so delicate!’ ‘the handbag is good looking and practical.’ ...on 7 November, in Jiangsu hall of cultural exhibition area of the 5th China International Import Expo, visitors from places over the state stopped at the booth of Nantong time-honored enterprise Cao Yu Xing.

Silk scarf dyed with blue and white patterns on both sides is elegant and powerful, stiff and smooth handbag is simple and elegant, notebook with blue calico cover is small and unique... ‘In the past two days, a lot of people talked to us. People were amazed when passing the booth, and got interested in the traditional skills and cultural creative products of Nantong blue calico.’ Jiang Rong is the successor of the 5th generation of Nantong Cao Yu Xing dyehouse and successor of municipal intangible cultural heritage Nantong blue calico. He said that in the past few years Cao Yu Xing focused on promotion of excellent intangible cultural heritage culture of Nantong blue calico, carried out intangible cultural heritage skills succession and innovation. On the basis of daily work and production, he focused on researching on how blue calico can adapt to modern people’s needs, such as usage of new special materials including wide and high count fabric, cotton, linen and silk.

Jiang Rong introduced that he hoped the participation of China International Import Expo this time could change people’s traditional understanding of blue calico, succeed and promote time-honored brand batter.

2022-11-23 At the booth of Cao Yu Xing, more than 20 products of blue calico theme were presented one by one 1 1 南通日报 content_117748.html 1 3 Striking blue calico creative products at China International Import Expo /enpproperty-->