
16.2 thousand first year girls in secondary schools will get free HPV vaccination

By Li Bo

On 6 April, 2023 Nantong girls of appropriate age HPV vaccination work was started. The first batch of 16.2 thousand girls with Nantong student status, born after 1 September 2009, in year one of secondary schools in the first half of 2023 will get free domestic bivalent HPV vaccination.

Cervical cancer is one of the major public health problems in the world confirmed by World Health Organization (WHO). HPV vaccination for girls of ages 9 to 14 can provide best immune protection, reduce the incidence of cervical cancer obviously. It is the most economic and efficient measure to prevent cervical cancer in the present.

2023-04-14 1 1 南通日报 content_132100.html 1 3 16.2 thousand first year girls in secondary schools will get free HPV vaccination /enpproperty-->