第A05版:Nantong report

The 1st famous mountain record published in Jiangsu Langshan Annals released for the first time

By Zhang Jian and Yang Zhenxiao

On 18 April, Langshan Annals which presents history, culture, tourism and ecological footprints of Nantong five mountains area was released.

Langshan Annals which was published lately recorded ecological restoration and environmental protection work progress of Nantong in the past few years while telling the nature, culture and history of Langshan mountain. It filled the gap of historical records.

Langshan Annals is the only famous mountain record in China published in Jiangsu in the present.

2023-05-04 1 1 南通日报 content_134749.html 1 3 The 1st famous mountain record published in Jiangsu Langshan Annals released for the first time /enpproperty-->