
Overseas sage representatives shared work and life experiences

To build a bridge for Nantong to interact with the world

By He Jiayu

At Nantong Overseas Sages and Chinese Groups Summit held on 21 May afternoon, Cheng Fuqiang, acting president of China Council for the Promotion of Peaceful National Reunification in the United Arab Emirates and president of Fuchun group in the United Arab Emirates went on the stage and delivered a speech, shared his experiences of overseas work and life.

Since he went to the United Arab Emirates alone to do hotel supplies trade in 1993, Cheng Fuqiang’s company has become an enterprise which provides product design, and research and development services for more than 600 upscale hotels in the Middle East.

‘Every major festival, I organize Chinese in Dubai to hold celebration events, and express our homesickness and patriotic love for our country.’ Cheng Fuqiang said.

In November 2022, Cheng Fuqiang led in organizing Chinese Food Cooking Competition, which started a ‘Chinese food fever’ locally. ‘I promoted local Jianghai delicacies to foreign friends by live streaming, with Nantong fellow townsmen who participated the competition.’ Cheng Fuqiang said.

Cheng Fuqiang said that in future work and life, he would care about his hometown’s development, carry out actions to tell Nantong stories well and promote Nantong’s voice, and help in building communication platform between his hometown and the world.

2023-06-05 Overseas sage representatives shared work and life experiences 1 1 南通日报 content_138320.html 1 3 To build a bridge for Nantong to interact with the world /enpproperty-->