

have a romantic date with Nantong

By Fan Yi and Huang Zhe

Wandering aimlessly on the street, discover a time-honored brand snack deep in the alley, visit a former residence by accident, encounter cats and dogs by the road...citywalk has become a new favourite of young people recently.

In fact, ‘citywalk’ is not a new concept. It origins from ‘London Walks’ more than half a century ago. It is a micro urban trip which means ‘a walk in the city’ or ‘wandering in the city’. It can be a special activity, led by professional team leader, a few people walked in streets of the city according to planned route and theme. It also refers to wandering in the city on foot or by bicycle.

Whichever the form, ‘citywalk’ is different from a trip which includes quick visit and photo taking. It emphasizes in depth communication with the city. ‘If we must give citywalk a meaning, it is to let people learn not to follow other people around.’ a netizen gave an answer, saying that people try to search for balance in ‘fast pace’ daily life.

A netizen whose IP is in Shanghai also shared what she saw and heard in Nantong on social media, ‘you do not need to go to famous places intentionally, just record the city with footsteps and camera, you may encounter small restaurants which have no name but have delicious food on the way...’ in the photos which she shared, she and hear family and friends walked and shopped, had a cup of ice coffee after lunch, tried local characteristic food of Nantong together, so casual and full of surprise.

In an accidental opportunity, Ms. Zhou and her colleagues organized a Chinese and foreign event by Hao River, discovered that many foreigners were very interested about Nantong’s culture and history and tourism route with Nantong characters. An idea came in Ms. Zhou’s heart: how many people in the young generation in Nantong really know the city?

Ms. Zhou decided to start Nantong citywalk plan. The first event, attracted 8 people. They set out from Si street, walked in old streets and small alleys, passed Zhangyin Alley, Tianning Temple, Nantong High School, and walked along Beihao Bridge. ‘We took photos under landmarks like the television tower. Many locals took out their photos which were taken nearby when they were children.’ Ms. Zhou said.

As the first city in modern China, looking for the industrialization imprints of Nantong is also a good theme of citywalk, we can wander in Tangzha ancient town.’ when it’s September, when the weather is not that hot, Ms. Zhou plans to organize another citywalk, she has already had a few new routes in her mind.

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