
New exploration of high level opening up in the Yangtze River Delta

Singapore - Nantong Dialogue held

In the event, 12 industrial projects whose total investment was 908 million U.S. dollars were signed together

By Shi Weipan

On the afternoon of 18 August local time, ‘New exploration of high level opening up in the Yangtze River Delta —— Singapore - Nantong Dialogue’ event was held in Singapore.

Wu Xinming, secretary of CPC Nantong Committee, introduced the location advantage, industrial foundation, innovation environment and other conditions of Nantong. He said that in strategic layout and high level opening up pattern of the Yangtze River Delta, Nantong was on the excellent ‘wind gap’ and in the golden period of development, which brought new precious opportunity for deepening cooperation with Singapore. The two parties can deepen cooperation in fields including industrial development, technological innovation, industrial park development, port and shipping cooperation, and urban construction, to realize mutual benefits.

In the event, 12 industrial projects whose total investment was 908 million U.S. dollars were signed together, involving fields including semi-conductor, energy, high end equipment research development and manufacture, food processing and logistics trade.

While in Singapore, Wu Xinming also visited Singapore - China Business Association, International Enterprise Singapore of Ministry of Trade and Industry of Singapore, and Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore, visited well known enterprises such as Seatrium, Kinergy Corporation, and Royal Golden Eagle.

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