
More than 400 blue calico works exhibited in Beijing

By Lu Chenghui and Xu Congjun

On 22 August, ‘Cyan out of blue: Wu Yuanxin blue calico collection and design works exhibition’ was open at China National Arts and Crafts Museum - China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum. More than 400 blue calico works were exhibited.

The exhibition applied several ways including physical objects to interpret, documents to supplement, multi-media animation show and installation art to bring the audience immersive experience. Audience on the site can experience ‘leakage printing’, which is a traditional printing and dye craft, in the exhibition hall, to feel the charm of traditional Chinese dyeing and weaving art themselves.

2023-09-04 1 1 南通日报 content_148056.html 1 3 More than 400 blue calico works exhibited in Beijing /enpproperty-->