
Official opening of Rail Transit Line No.2

By Jiang Jiaojiao

On 27th December 2023, Nantong Rail Transit Line 2 opening ceremony was held at the Sports Park Station. Nantong metro entered a ‘double line transfer era’.

In 2022, Rail Transit Line No.1 opened for operation. The accumulated passenger traffic volume is close to 22 million.

Line No.2’s construction was started on 26th October 2018. The line is in an ‘L’ shape. It connects Chongchuan District and Tongzhou District. The total length is 20.85 km. There are 17 stations along the line in total. Among them, Hepingqiao Station and Wenfeng Station are interchanges to Line No.1. Line No.1 and No.2 form a ‘cross’ shape backbone line together. The total length is nearly 60 km. It connects major hub nodes including Nantong West Railway Station, Nantong East Railway Station and Nantong East Bus Station.

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